Resolving conflict in a child custody case


No one can predict which Colorado marriages will end in divorce. Perhaps you suspected for months that your own marriage was headed that way before filing the papers. Or maybe your spouse caught you off guard by informing you that he or she was filing for divorce. No matter which of you filed the petition, if you face child custody litigation, you undoubtedly want to avoid conflict.

Child custody cases can be complex and emotionally stressful, especially if you and your ex are at odds on what is best for your children. When the court makes decisions regarding custody, visitation or child support, it always has children’s best interests in mind. Courtroom conflict may delay proceedings or impede you from achieving your goal. There are several things you can do to try to keep matters peaceful.

Be mindful of your tone of voice

Especially if you suspect that your ex is trying to provoke you to anger, it’s helpful to think before you speak. By doing so, you can better control your word choice and tone of voice. If you speak calmly and choose words that are non-confrontational, you’re less likely to find yourself in a high-conflict situation in court.

Be like the court and keep children’s best interests in mind

Your divorce doesn’t necessarily have to make you and your ex adversaries as parents. In fact, studies show that the children who fare best in divorce are those whose parents are able to cooperate and work as a team when it comes to child custody and other family-related issues.

You might have a lot of frustration or anger about past marital problems. It’s understandable that you’re ready to move on in life and not have to constantly interact with your ex. During child custody litigation, however, the more willing you both are to compromise and peacefully negotiate the issues at hand, the less time it might take to achieve a fair agreement.

Tap into local support resources as needed

You don’t have to go it alone when you’re trying to avoid conflict in child custody litigation. When you leave the courtroom, try to remember that it’s helpful to turn to trusted family members and friends for emotional support. Many Colorado parents also act alongside experienced legal representation during custody proceedings so that they have a personal advocate to speak on their behalf in court, which also helps avoid conflict.

In a perfect world, you and your ex would be in agreement on all child custody issues and there would never be conflict between you. The reality is that it’s not uncommon for co-parents to disagree, and it’s also not uncommon for conflict to arise when they’re trying to resolve such issues. Building a strong support network from the start increases the chances of minimizing conflict and resolving problem issues in a swift and amicable fashion.