Getting a divorce can be a costly process. While the average divorce can cost a spouse more than $10,000, it can be even more expensive for business owners. As a business owner, you should know that divorce can also impact your company in several different ways. Here are the most common outcomes for a business in…
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Money is one of the biggest things married couples in Colorado and elsewhere fight about. To avoid these arguments, some couples stop talking about finances altogether. If the marriage ends up falling apart, this can have disastrous consequences for the spouse one didn’t keep in the loop. The reality of the situation is that divorce can easily lead to…
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Ending a marriage is hard. It takes years to build a relationship and family; it can take time to dismantle it. For many couples in Colorado, the divorce process is full of conflict, and, unfortunately, that conflict can negatively impact children. If you are ready to go through the divorce process, experts suggest you do…
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When preparing to go through the divorce process, it is normal to wonder what kind of settlement terms you may end up walking away with. You want to make sure they serve your best interests and are fair, but, your idea of fair and your soon-to-be ex’s may be very different. For example, the awarding…
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One of the most difficult aspects of divorce for parents is learning how to respect each other’s boundaries and rights after the divorce finalizes. Without children, a couple may end their marriage and never need to speak again, in some circumstances. However, for parents who divorce, major conflicts may develop if one parent does not…
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